  • CRLAB Busto Arsizio

  • Hair Prosthetic Trichology
  • Via Caprera, 28, 21052 Busto Arsizio VA

Opening hours

  • Monday closed

  • Tuesday 09:00-13:00, 15:00-19:00

  • Wednesday 09:00-13:00, 15:00-19:00

  • Thursday 09:00-13:00, 15:00-19:00

  • Friday 09:00-13:00, 15:00-19:00

  • Saturday 08:30-16:30

  • Sunday closed

  • Opening hours

  • Monday closed

  • Tuesday 09:00-13:00, 15:00-19:00

  • Wednesday 09:00-13:00, 15:00-19:00

  • Thursday 09:00-13:00, 15:00-19:00

  • Friday 09:00-13:00, 15:00-19:00

  • Saturday 08:30-16:30

  • Sunday closed

The Centre

We take care of your scalp and hair, helping put the health back into it.
Each of our centers offers a wide range of services, treatments and products to provide you with the best solution for your hair loss and scalp concerns.
All our CRLAB staff offer their many years of experience to work with you every step of the way, helping you to achieve your goals.
When you come to one of our centers, the first thing we do is get to know you (and your hair) better by carrying out a thorough assessment. Once your results are in, we’ll recommend a program combining the right mix of clinically tested products and technological support tailored just for you.
CRLAB Tricotest® : simple and accurate.
The CRLAB TRICOTEST® gets to the heart of what you need to do to improve your hair.
It’s an invaluable tool to work out the best course of action for your thinning hair, hair loss, or any of your other hair concerns.
Based on the results from your Tricotest®, we’ll recommend the best treatments to help you get your hair back to full health.
We have a trichological treatment designed to treat every hair and scalp concern you may have. From dandruff, excessive sebum production to hair loss, all sold at the front desk of our centers.
The CRLAB hair prosthetic system is a hair prosthetic system which is custom made to your individual requirements. The system integrates natural hair into the areas where you’re affected by thinning or hair loss. It’s a revolutionary, life-changing answer to hair loss.
You can even use the CRLAB hair prosthetic system in the short term if you’re undergoing chemotherapy.


Services available

Scrub Cream

Sebum Regulating

Restructuring thermal mud mask

Extra Care Line

Hair loss prevention shampoo

Linea Anticaduta

Our trichological lines

Anti-Dandruff Rehydrating
Linea Integratori CRLAB
Textured hair line
Sebum Regulating
Linea Anticaduta
Daily Care Line
Extra Care Line
Restructuring and Finish

Go back to the trichological lines




Sara Cifarelli

Ho iniziato il percorso circa 9 mesi fa e vedo dei netti miglioramenti sui miei capelli. Analisi del capello accurata, personale accogliente, ogni seduta equivale ad andare in un centro benessere. Consigliato a tutti coloro che hanno problemi al cuoio capelluto e vogliono migliorare la propria salute psicofisica


Roberto Mezzalira

Centro super professionale! Personale cortese e preparatissimo.


Cristina Scali

Personale competente professionale e molto gentile


Felice Gadda

Veri professionisti...


Roberto Jimmy Morelli

Lo storico centro Cesare Ragazzi.


weliete silva de melo

Sono i migliori, mi hanno salvato i capelli da una  bruttissima caduta di un trattamento chimico che avevo fatto ... Siete I migliori


franco trapani



Chloe Grasset

Qui a Busto Arsizio mi sono trovata molto bene. Un'addetta di cui non ricordo il nome mi ha consigliato dei trattamenti che, in effetti, si sono dimostrati molto efficac per rinforzare la struttura del capello. Credo tornerò periodicamente per dei cicli, magari nei periodi di cambio stagione quando i capelli sono più deboli.


Angela Pala

Se si ha già provato un po' d tutto senza grandi risultati...medico attento e gentile,personale professionalmente preparato e competente.


Eliana Balsamo

Personale gentile e disponibile, luogo pulito. Competenti nel loro campo con buoni prodotti. Ovviamente prezzi per trattamenti di vario genere ELEVATI.