  • Hairlab Chicago Deerfield Deerfield

  • Hair Prosthetic Trichology
  • 707 Lake Cook Rd,Suite 118 IL 60015 Deerfield Illinois

Integratore per Capelli Detox

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Integratore per Capelli Detox

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  • * by releasing your data you consent to their processing in order to provide you with the requested service:your personal data will be used to contact you regarding your product reservation request, to inform you of the new availability and to give you the best possible assistance during your shopping experience . For more information see our privacy policy

Dilute 1 measuring cup of CRLAB DETOX in 1 liter of water to be taken throughout the day.

Acqua, Ananas  estratto secco 250 gdu/g (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr., maltodestrine) stipiti; Tè verde estratto fluido (acqua, etanolo) con rapporto D/E 1:1 (Camelia sinensis (L.) Kuntze) foglie;
Ribes nero estratto secco con rapporto D/E 4:1 (Ribes nigrum L., maltodestrine) foglie;
Betulla estratto secco al 2,5% di flavonoidi (Betula pendula Roth., maltodestrine) foglie;
Ortica estratto secco con rapporto D/E 4:1 (Urtica dioica L., maltodestrine) foglie;
Orthosiphon estratto secco allo 0,1% di sinensetina (Orthosiphon stamineus Benth., maltodestrine) erba con fiori;
Gramigna estratto secco con rapporto D/E 4:1 (Elymus repens (L.) Gould, maltodestrine) rizomi;
Centella estratto secco al 20% di derivati triterpenici (Centella asiatica (L.) Urb., maltodestrine) erba;  Vitamina B1 (Tiamina cloridrato),  Vitamina B2 (Riboflavina ), Vitamina B3 (nicotinamide), D-pantotenato (calcio), Vitamina B5 (acido pantotenico); Vitamina B6 (Cloridrato di piridossina); Vitamina B12 0,1% (cianocobalamina); Vitamina C (acido L-ascorbico); Vitamina H (D-biotina);
Mirtillo estratto secco al 25% di antocianine (Vaccinium myrtillus L., maltodestrine) frutti; Limone olio essenziale; Gomma xanthano (addensante); Potassio sorbato (conservante); Acesulfame di potassio (edulcorante); Sucralosio (edulcorante); Aroma prugna; Aroma ananas.

It promotes eliminating excess fluids and waste from normal metabolic processes.

We find specific botanical extracts, such as pineapple, birch, green tea, and blackcurrant. It makes it possible to significantly improve the feeling of heaviness and swelling that characterizes the imperfections characteristic of cellulite and localized fatty deposits.

5xReductase is a toxin, and the draining action of CRLAB DETOX is indispensable in detoxifying.

Anti-dandruff rehydrating shampoo

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