
  • Infoltimento Tricologia
  • 4710 MAIN STREET, #4, IL 60532 LISLE

Il Centro

Ci prendiamo cura del benessere di cute e capelli.
Il nostro Centro offre un'ampia gamma di servizi, trattamenti e prodotti per dare una risposta efficace alla caduta dei capelli e alle principali anomalie del cuoio capelluto.
Lo Staff CRLAB offre la propria esperienza e serietà professionale, operando in armonia e sinergia con il Cliente, curando e seguendolo in ogni momento.
Per prima cosa dobbiamo conoscere la tua situazione specifica attraverso un check up completo. A seguire ti proporremo la strategia più efficace, il giusto mix fra prodotti clinicamente testati e strumenti tecnologici.

Tricotest® CRLAB: semplice e preciso.
Il TRICOTEST® CRLAB si rivolge a uomini e donne che vogliono conoscere e migliorare lo stato di salute dei propri capelli. 
E’ uno strumento prezioso per identificare il percorso più adatto alle proprie necessità in caso di diradamento, calvizie o altre problematiche. 
In base ai dati raccolti il nostro staff saprà suggerire i prodotti e i trattamenti personalizzati più idonei.  
I nostri trattamenti tricologici  sono specifici per ogni problematica: forfora, eccessiva produzione di sebo o caduta dei capelli, e sono in vendita al front desk.

Il Sistema CRL è una soluzione di infoltimento capelli personalizzata in base alle esigenze, sia femminili che maschili, che integra capelli naturali nelle zone colpite da diradamento o calvizie. E’ una risposta efficace e rivoluzionaria alla calvizie. 
E' possibile ottenere in tempi ridotti protesi del capillizio per coloro che devono intraprendere una terapia chemioterapica.

Concediti un trattamento profondo di benessere per i tuoi capelli.
Presso il nostro centro, in sinergia con i prodotti della Linea CRLAB, vengono utilizzate sofisticate strumentazioni per migliorare l’efficacia dei trattamenti. Dall’ozono alla foto stimolazione: la tecnologia al servizio del benessere dei tuoi capelli.



Servizi disponibili

Cerotto anticaduta Havogen 5

Linea Anticaduta

Kit seboregolatore mantenimento

LInea Seboregolatrice


Linea Antiforfora Reidratante

Le nostre linee tricologiche

Linea Antiforfora Reidratante
Integratori per capelli
Textured hair
LInea Seboregolatrice
Linea Anticaduta
Linea Daily Care
LInea Extracare
Linea Ristrutturanti e finish

Torna alle linee tricologiche




Jo-Ann Z

Hair loss is a long and personal journey.  Finding TuBell, specifically Melissa has been a true blessing. Melissa is not only knowledgeable, her compassion and sensitivity made the entire hair loss experience easier to work through. Melissa listens, explains options and takes her time answering questions and working to find the most comfortable solution to the needs. Anyone who might be experiencing hair loss, regardless of the reason and wants to feel like themselves again give Tu Bella a call.


Tamara Phelan

I am a cancer patient. Just prior to beginning chemotherapy, a friend and I made an appointment at Tu Bella. Melissa was very welcoming and very professional. She explained the various types of wigs in a very detailed manner. I treed on several different options. It was fun! I’m glad I brought a friend with me, as we enjoyed this experience together. I did not purchase anything at this initial visit, as I will “wait and see” how much hair loss I will incur. Melissa appeared very comfortable with my approach. If and when I need a wig, I will definitely purchase one at Tu Bella.


Christine Haralambous

Lovd the hair piece still need to come back for a little adjustment the clips Pull my hair need to do something else to Secure piece


Rosita Lopez

Professional and caring consultation. The owner is wonderful and an expert in her field.


Laurel dc

If you have hair loss, this is the place to go for help.  Melissa is knowledgeable and compassionate.  My hair topper took some time to create but it is worth the wait.  I feel like myself, even better, with my new hair.  Melissa continues to work with me to make sure I am having the best hair experience ever.  I know she will give practical and helpful advice.  She even wears a topper herself, so she knows what she is talking about.  You do need to make an appointment since this process takes a little time.


Mary L. Farmer

Bought my hair piece a couple of years ago and it still looks great. Will be getting another one from Tu Bella soon. They fit it to your head, style it for you (if you prefer) and instruct you on how to care for your new hair piece.


Irene Mackiewicz

Well trained and highly experienced owner and staff!


Katie Pucher

Melissa changed my life! Follea hair pieces are by far the best quality I've ever had.


Karen H

I was so thankful to get a referral to visit Tu Bella for my wig needs while undergoing chemotherapy. Melissa was honest, informative and supportive throughout the process. I ended up selecting a synthetic and a real hair wig. The instructions and education provided by Tu Bella were everything I needed to manage this new normal. I have referred them to multiple people since. Tu Bella is a must visit for any wig option needs.


Catherine Driscoll

I have been going to Tu Bella for over 16 years. Thank you for your service to the community! I always look forward to my appointments!


Bobbi Hurley

Being diagnosed with cancer 25 years ago, I can honestly say I am an expert in dealing with hair loss and services provided by salons like Tu Bella. I have been a client at Tu Bella for the last 4 years. The owner, Melissa, is kind and compassionate. She always works hard to find the very best option for you keeping in mind your budget. She is every client's advocate. I have had a few occasions where my hair system appeared to be defective  (Tangling, abundant hair loss, etc) after wearing it. Without hesitation, Missy did her best to remedy the situation including contacting the company for replacement. When dealing with the sensitive issue of hair loss, I am thankful for Missy and Tu Bella! She does not disappoint!


Samantha Krichbaum

Love this salon. The owner Melissa has years of experience and is absolutely amazing.